Wednesday, May 19, 2010

back in bowl, sounds from copper

I was just getting ready to sell this old bowl I had made in our garage sale when I gave it a little ting.  It had an interesting sound and so I thought I would sample it before I sold it.  Such an amazing amount of sounds from one bowl. Here's a demo piece I made just fooling around with the instrument.

I eventually made these sounds into a Reason Refill with some other libraries I created. Read and possibly purchase it here:

Sticks and Stones Reason Refill

Friday, May 14, 2010

The body as a musical instrument

Here are a bunch of sounds all made on the human body. What an instrument.


Monday, May 3, 2010

The Rocks will cry out.

1 rock quarry

m-audio micro track


all the sounds came from hitting rocks together

Click link below

The Rocks will cry out.

Rock on.

Rob B